I want to introduce you to the people wearing my knitwear. Why I came up with that, I don't have an answer, but my heart tells me so, and I listen...

I will tell you about Inga, a stylish, sensitive, feminine woman of 50+ years. When you see her on the street, you want to turn around and take another look at that creature walking with an easy step, sharing smiles, and radiating tenderness.
In her youth, Inga graduated from midwifery and began working in what seems to be the most sensitive and joyous environment for the family, such as the birth of a baby. After the memorable event happened, Inga changed the direction of her life, because, as she says: "In a painful moment, I just wanted to understand what thoughts go through a woman's head when an accident happens and how best to help her, but I didn't have the necessary knowledge. That's when the thoughts came, after all, the biggest traumas usually remain invisible, they are hidden somewhere deep in our hearts and heads. We wanted to provide the most necessary help."

That's why Inga chose the path of bachelor's and master's studies in psychology, which have been continuously renewed for many years. The growing desire to help people when they realized that they were on the right path did not allow them to stop and give up: "I realized that this is exactly what I want to do - to help when it is already difficult for the person himself to gather his scattered, often misunderstood and unknown self."
Inga has been working as a child and adolescent psychologist for sixteen years, and when doing this work it is important not only to listen and hear a maturing person, but also to really feel them. "And for that, comfortable clothing is very important to me. I can't be distracted or think about my inner or outer discomfort. I have to be comfortable, so that the person next to me feels it too, and nothing, not even clothes, should hinder open contact.
Inga is 179 cm. tall, so there were always some difficulties when choosing clothes, for example, short sleeves. Inga is happy: "I ordered an individual sweater knitted by GiedrÄ—, which I have been wearing for the fourth season with the greatest pleasure, and the most important thing is that it is what I wanted: in my size, in the desired color, and with sleeves of the right length.

Later I wanted a few more knits. And when the PIXEL clothing line appeared, I timidly tried on the blouse and it seems that the feeling that GiedrÄ— read my mind was born - perfect! Great composition, does not tangle, easy to care for, the color scheme is close to me, the size is right and I didn't even feel how the closet was filled with missing clothes, which are easy to combine, and most importantly - comfortable for work and leisure."
My heart, as a creator, is also happy when your wishes are fulfilled, after all, sometimes all you need is comfort so that the most beautiful thoughts and everyday and memorable adventures come back.
Thank you for being and choosing my work.
Your G.